Lunch & Learn about maximizing government funding through the various stages of corporate development

Date: Thursday, September 27, 2018
Doors: 11:45 am
Presentation and Q&A: 12 –1:30 pm
Location: Fort Tectoria – 777 Fort St

There are many Government Funding programs available to assist Canadian businesses with expenses related to R&D, new product development, manufacturing process improvements, tapping into international markets and workforce development.

Join this lunch & learn to learn about some of these programs, how they fit in the difference stages of your corporate development, and also about the limitations of government funding and the need for alternate sources of working capital.

Some of the funding programs covered include:

  • SR&ED (Scientific Research & Experimental Development)
  • IRAP (Industrial Research Assistance Program)
  • Innovative Solutions Canada
  • Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS)
  • BCIP (Build in Canada Innovation Program)
  • SDTC (Sustainable Development Technology Canada)
  • Canada Agriculture Partnership / Agri-Innovation
  • Engage, CRD, Mitacs (grants for working with universities)
  • CanExport
  • Eureka, GGI, CIIP (International research collaboration)
  • Hiring & Training Grants


A light lunch will be provided.

Please register by email to


About the presenter: Jaap Siekman MSc, PEng, PMP

Jaap is an independent business advisor and representative for NorthBridge Consultants. He educates start-ups and growing companies on Government Funding programs that support R&D and Innovation in Canada.

NorthBridge is a national consultancy firm, with offices in BC, ON and QC.

Jaap has ~28 years’ experience in Engineering, Manufacturing, Product Development and Management in a variety of industries.

Ph: 604.562.5209