NorthBridge Consultants’ Canadian Business Blog is dedicated to bringing businesses news and information to help companies identify and access the most appropriate government funding programs.

We offer opinions and insider information that can provide a pulse on government initiatives, the health of the Canadian economy, and firsthand thoughts from Canadian business owners.

The UBB Hearing

This week and next week, the CRTC has been having a hearing about the proposed User Based Billing (UBB) that some of the large telecom companies would like to instate. While this hasn’t been getting nearly enough exposure on traditional… Read more »

On Monday, StatsCan posted a new study: The year in review in manufacturing. According to this study, manufacturing sales increased 8.9% from 2009, to a total of $529.8 billion. While this is the largest single annual increase since 2000, it… Read more »

Canadian Companies and Social Responsibility

Today, Macleans posted two articles that I found highly interesting. The first was Canada the good?, a look at why Canada is ranked very low on having socially responsible companies. The second article, Top 50 socially responsible corporations, takes a… Read more »

April’s Labour Force Survey

On Friday, StatsCan released the results of April’s Labour Force Survey, and after two months where we have seen very little change, employment rose by 58,000. While most of the employment was seen in part time, this has helped result… Read more »

When does SR&ED start to happen?

A misconception often made with the SR&ED program is that a company can claim a full business project, instead of just the SR&ED activities that happen within the business project. The SR&ED program looks at activities where you have come… Read more »