What a Year 2009 Was!
We all had our struggles in 2009 due to the rough economy, but by the end of the year things definitely started looking up – employment across Canada rose (both full-time and part-time) after steady decline (the unemployment rate in November alone fell by 0.1%), the average hourly wage rose 2.3% from where it was a year ago, and Canadians are optimistic that the economy will continue to improve over the coming year. This has definitely been a year of challenges and changes that our businesses have had to face head-on.
Of course, with these challenges comes the opportunity to improve or develop new innovative products and processes, and we’ve seen a lot of our clients taking full advantage of this exciting opportunity!
As for the SR&ED program, the CRA released a new T661 form. This new form brought about some changes in the way that companies filed for the SR&ED program. Northbridge embraced these changes and has been successfully assisting our clients with adjustments that have needed to be made with the claim process.
Northbridge Consultants has been quite busy this year: not only have we started holding regular seminars, we have also started hosting small monthly Lunch ‘n’ Learn events to get to know those in the communities we work in. As well, the Canadian Manufacturing Technology Show was held this fall, and we were thrilled to be participating in it. We always look forward to all of these events, as it brings us the opportunity to meet with new people and share how beneficial the SR&ED program can be for both Canadian companies and the Canadian economy.
Our Eastern office was opened in 2009, and we now have a great team of dedicated engineers in our new office to support our clients in Atlantic Canada.
This past year has also seen exposure for us in numerous magazines, including Exchange Magazine, Image Makers Magazine, Food Safety and Quality Magazine and Canadian Plastics.
With the exciting year that we have had for 2009, it’s hard to think how an upcoming year could top this, but we are confident that there are only good things to come in 2010.
The Northbridge team sincerely wishes you a very happy and successful New Year.
Best Regards,
Sol Algranti
President & CEO
Northbridge Consultants