Aggressive offshore competition isn’t new to us here. Let’s face it – it can be tough to survive when products similar to yours can be purchased for a fraction of the price from a company that doesn’t even operate in Canada. This can lead to a huge reduction in sales, can result in non-profit situations, and can cause difficulties for any company that is trying to remain competitive. In some cases, this causes business closures.

Businesses need to do what they can to offset those financial situations, and reclaiming costs for projects where you faced challenges can help your company become profitable again.

The SR&ED (Scientific Research and Experimental Development) program can definitely assist in situations like this – a lot of expenses can build up through test runs, failed projects and lengthy experimentation, and reclaiming some of these costs can make a very large difference in a company’s financial standing. The recovered costs can help offset the effect that offshore competition may have on your business, and can be used to invest back into your company.

Have you taken a look at how SR&ED can help you remain competitive with offshore competition?