At NorthBridge, we keep up to date on all the most recent government funding updates, intake announcements and upcoming grant deadlines in Canada so you don’t have to. Each month, we will be providing a summary of the most important news in government funding. Get in touch today to learn more about each program and assess your eligibility.

For: Canadian developers of clean fuel production, transport or storage technologies

Clean Fuels Call for Proposals

The Energy Innovation Program (EIP) announced a call to target R&D, pilot, and demonstration projects that support the development of technologies that are critical to Canada’s transition to clean fuels. The call has two main focus areas: 1) clean fuels production , and 2) clean fuels transport and storage. Funding is available at different levels based on the activities conducted. Eligible applicants are Canadian entities that develop clean fuel production- or clean fuel transport and storate-related technologies, or an owner/operator of clean fuel transport or storage assets.

The deadline to submit an EOI is 1pm ET on April 8, 2025.

For: Canadian innovators looking to collaborate with companies in other countries on R&D

Eureka Network Canada

NRC IRAP has announced their Winter-Spring 2025 call for proposals for Canadian SMEs seeking to partner with companies in Eureka member countries for the purpose of commercializing innovative technologies in any industry (non-military). Projects must focus on co-development, adaption and/or validation of an innovative product, process or service that has substantial commercial potential within 2-3 years of project completion. Up to 50% of project costs to a maximum of $500,000 for a project spanning 12-36 months is available through this program. Applicants must be Canadian SMEs with fewer than 500 employees (preference given to companies with at least 15 employees, greater than $500,000 in ARR, and that have commercialized 1 or more products already) that have a least one partner organization from an eligible Eureka member country.

Register by April 1, 2025 to be considered for the program.

For: Canadian innovators looking to collaborate with companies in other countries on Clean Technology R&D

Eurogia Cluster – Clean Technologies

Eurogia, Eureka Cluster programs focus on clean technology, has announced a call for collaborative R&D projects with a focus on clean technologies. Clean technologies are focused on but not limited to ydrogen and renewable energy technology for generation and storage; ICT technologies tracking CO2, managing energy use and storage; energy efficient housing, digital twins, smart cities, IoT; and AI and big data technologies used for energy use optimization. Applicants must be Canadian SMEs with fewer than 500 employees (preference given to companies with at least 15 employees, greater than $500,000 in ARR, and that have commercialized 1 or more products already) that have a least one partner organization from an eligible country.

Project Outlines or Full Proposals are due April 24, 2025.

For: Canadian innovators looking to collaborate with companies in other countries on ICT and telecommunications projects

CELTIC-NEXT Next Generation Communications

CELTIC-NEXT, Eureka Cluster program focused on Next-Generation Communications technology, has announced a call for collaborative R&D projects. The CELTIC Core group consists of 19 members in 10 countries mainly in the European telecoms industry.  Applicants must be Canadian SMEs with fewer than 500 employees (preference given to companies with at least 15 employees, greater than $500,000 in ARR, and that have commercialized 1 or more products already) that have a least one partner organization from an eligible country.

Full Proposals are due April 25, 2025.

For: Canadian businesses looking to test/pilot their technologies

Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS)

Through the Department of National Defence’s Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS), Canadians have the opportunity to respond to specific challenges faced by different bodies, including the Canadian Armed Forces, and Department of National Defense. Newly announced challenges include: seamless transitions between mobile broadband networks, exploiting connections of Earth and space systems, medical diagnostics and sensing for combat operations, and identifying biological agents in the field. Funding is offered as a grant for up to $250,000 for a 6-month period to develop a solution. $1.5M is available for 12 months for technologies in the design phase, and up to $5M is available to build and validate protypes.

The deadline to apply to all current challenges is March 27, 2025.