The 2014 Government Funding Year in Review

Written by:
Nicolas DesRoches, Technical Writer.

2014 was a year full of front page news and incredible stories from around the globe, including the development of hoverboards and flying cars. As we begin to acclimatize to 2015, let’s not forget to look back at what happened in 2014 that we can still take advantage of today. Here are some examples of government funding opportunities in Canada and Ontario that emerged, grew, and/or changed in 2014 that may help your company turn 2015 into its most successful year yet:

New Programs Changed Programs Increased Funding
Early Stage Exporters (ESE) South-Western Ontario Development Fund (SWODF) Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters SMART ATGG
Canada-Ontario Job Grant (COJG) Export Market Access (EMA) Yves Landry Fund (YLF)
Investing in Business Growth and Productivity (IBGP) Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Information and Communication Technology Career Connect (ICTC)
Youth Employment Fund (YEF) Eastern Ontario Development Fund (EODF) Advanced Manufacturing Fund (AMF)

Here at NorthBridge, we’re experts on the above programs and many more and we’ll answer any questions you have about opportunities for government funding for your company. Let us help you make 2015 the year that your company gets the money it deserves.


Nicolas is a Technical Writer and acting Editor-in-Chief at NorthBridge Consultants. Nicolas’ years of writing experience with a wide range of audiences ensures he clearly expresses your project goals.

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